Dear Africana Woman,
I remember a time I used to postpone living. I would say things like "I will go next time" "One day I will be there" "When I can afford it" "This looks good, I wish I could go" and these things I desired would always stay in the future and never actually happen. Gurl I lived in Lusaka for 6 years and rarely did much. Compared to now where I have done more and seen more of the city having moved to Kabwe 2 years ago. All because I decided that my happily ever after was now. If not now, then when?
I get it, your mind is telling you that it is absolutely impossible for you to do what you want, go where you want, be who you want. This way of thinking and believing is exactly why we are called to win the warfare in our minds. It is your responsibility to train your mind to think what you want it to think and command it to work for you. Therefore, instead of entertaining negative thoughts that are not serving you, why not choose to think positive thoughts that are much more pleasant.
Take for example, the Africana Woman Festival - you have looked at the program, the speakers and you are intrigued by it all. However, your mind is saying, you do not have money, the ticket is so expensive, let me save up so as I try to attend next year.... Sound familiar? This is negative thinking. Instead you could choose to think:
"I am excited to be in a festival that is so rich in content and value"
"I love that I can invest in myself by being a part of the festival"
"The festival is a way of showing myself self love by pouring into my cup"
"I believe I will meet women who are like minded, innovative, and ambitious. They are women that I can learn greatly from"
"I get to design my life, therefore, I have decided that I want to attend"
See. Positive thoughts.
At this point you are saying, Chulu even if I think these things, that does not change my bank account. I beg to differ. You see when you are in a state of negativity, panic, stress, your physical body reacts to a point of distraction. Your heartbeat is fast, you fail to focus, your stomach feels like its in knots. Basically you fail to be creative.
Versus when you are calm, at peace and happy. This means your cells are operating at their optimum level. You are able to think clearly and you are able to be creative. Hear me well THERE ARE INFINITE NUMBER OF WAYS FOR YOU TO ACHIEVE A DESIRE. Just because your bank account does not have a lot of money does not mean you cannot be gifted a ticket, or your employer pays for your ticket, or you do a contract and suddenly you have the exact amount of the ticket .... do you understand what I am saying?
So long as you are clear about your desire, and you decide to have it, then allow the divine to give it to you.
By the way, we just wrapped up a free masterclass on how to Design your life to something you absolutely love. And I taught the principle of 3D Keys; Desire, Decision & Divine. That is exactly what I use to live out my own life. (this class will soon be available on our website as a course).
Here is a recent example. I was browsing my social media and I saw a post on the Zambia Beauty Fest. I got curious and looked up their last event and immediately I thought I want to be at this years event (Desire & Decision). I kid you not a few weeks later one of the organisers reached out to me and asked me to be a moderator for two panels at the Fest. I was absolutely delighted and it was on obvious yes. Note, I did not spend time worrying about how i did not have money to go, I simply decided I wanted to be there and God found a way to give this experience to me and let me tell you I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
Clearly, I would love for you to attend the Africana Woman Festival because I believe in the deepest part of my heart that it is such a transformational program. However this principle can be applied to any part of your life.
Stop living on auto pilot. Stop postponing living. That is a sure way to trap your joy in the future. Activate faith in your life and believe in things unseen for they are surely yours. Speak them into life. Keep talking about them positively until you see them physically. This is the power that lives within each and every one of you. So I will say it again.
If Not Now, When?
Today, 10 July, 2024 at 8pm CAT. is the last day to enter the Giveaway by Swek Cosmetics:

To enter all you have to do is:
1. Post a photo of you in a picnic outfit on your Instagram storyÂ
2. Tag @SwekCosmetics and @AfricanaWomanFestival
3. Use the #MyFestivalLook
Three Winners will be selected randomly and announced on Friday 12 July, 2024 at 12 pm on IG Live.Â
13 July, 2024...................Africana Woman Visionaries Luncheon
2-3 August, 2024.............Africana Woman Festival
26 - 31 August, 2024 ..... Wellness Retreat, Lake Tanganyika
Get the Wealth Mindset Checklist, 7 Biblical Principles. Download right here.
Kind Regards
