Chulu Chansa

Jul 30, 20203 min

3 Girl Talk Topics

Updated: May 16, 2021

Dear Africana Woman,

Hey beautiful. Do you know that you are worthy of all your hearts desires? I just thought I should remind you of that. It has been a busy week. Although busy does not always mean productive. All the same, I found myself having to take a step back and revisit my priorities. What do I need to do now and what can be put off until later. Plus what do I simply need to take off my plate. I don't know about you but I have a terrible habit of doing the most. Fortunately, I have learned to reassess and scale back before I get overwhelmed.

Today is the last in this series about building generational wealth. I hope you have enjoyed our money conversations and taken away something. The last thing I would like to address is accountability. The best way for anything to get done in your life is when you have someone to be accountable to. Someone who will hold you to your goal and encourage you to keep going. I know many of us set goals in private and when you fall short, you let it slide, because no one is watching. Telling yourself, 'who knew about it anyway." Well you did and the worst thing you could do is lie to yourself. But it's alright I have another strategy for you. Find an accountability partner.

Which brings me to your group of friends. I imagine there are many women that have a circle of friends. Some you have known from as far back as primary / secondary school, or dem wild uni days. HEYYY!!! I know you had a flash back right there. But my question to you is what do you talk about with your girls? I think it is amazing that you have lifelong friends who have been with you through the thick and the thin. But Honey, not all your friends are for all seasons of your life's journey. Urgh I'm coming for your weaves again. I am sorry. Not really.

Quick Survey. Answer yes or no to these questions:

  1. Do you spend more than 70 % of the time gossiping with your friends?

  2. Do you talk about how the world is against you and you wish someone could save you?

  3. Do you only talk about activities that require money to leave your account?

If you said yes to any of the above. I am sorry boo she gotts to go. The people you surround yourself with affect the way you think about money and your spending habits. Okay let me say this, if you realise that your friendships do not empower you to aspire for generational wealth, I challenge you to speak to your friends about it. Tell them that you would like to improve in the areas of finance and wealth. Whilst you may not be an expert now you are willing to learn. Then invite them to join you on this journey. If they are not willing to learn, try, grow... they gotts to go. Listen when you are intentional about the type of relationships that you want in your life, God will provide, but the first step starts with you. I know, I want the type of crew where we can all pick up and go to Zanzibar and have a fabulous holiday, no hassle no sweat because we pay our own bills.

Let us start with three Girl Talk Topics you should be having:

  1. Talk about your money goals

  2. Ask for help if you do not know something in relation to finances

  3. Talk about what type of activities are within your budget and how frequently you are able to do them

The beauty about these topics are that you begin to set boundaries around your finances. So you do not feel peer pressure to have to spend money you do not have. You will also begin to normalise the conversation around money. As with anything, the more you do it the better you become. Later you can then have deeper conversations and even encourage each other to attain BIG goals.

Let me know what you think about this topic. I would be curious to know whether these are your every day conversations or totally avoided. We have come to the end of builiding Generational Wealth amongst African Women. I have enjoyed this month. Please share if this blessed you. If you are new here please subscribe. You can always find me on instagram @chulu_bydesign or come on over and join the Africana Woman Community on facebook and we can talk about this topic even deeper. Aight, lady, remember to love yourself, flaws n all, and attract the life that you deserve.


